Monday, August 26, 2024

The Best Answer

There is a character in Piers Anthony's "Xanth*" series, Grundy the Golem. He was assembled out of inanimate materials but displayed a fair bit of personality. One of the repeating bits in the series was the Good Magician Humphrey, who would answer any question in exchange for a year of service. Grundy came to him and asked "Do I have a soul?" and started his year of service.

Humphrey did better than a yes or no answer.  In the end, he told Grundy "Only creatures with souls care about the answer." That sticks to the heart.

My second son was worried, as religious and serious children are, whether he was saved or not.  That is the evangelical version of a similar question about going to heaven (or not going to hell), or being among The Elect or The Chosen in other groups. This was about sixth grade, as I recall. All the nice Baptist(ish) teachers quoted various Bible verses to him to reassure him, not getting the basic point that it was other verses in the Bible that were making him nervous. 

Someone - my wife perhaps - paraphrased Augustine to him.  He knew enough to know that that was a Big Name.  WRT to salvation "If you want to be, you probably are."  This was the key that turned the lock.  It was a Good Magician Humphrey sort of answer, reassuring him at a deeper level both intellectually and emotionally.

I wish I could do that.  There are people who know how to give the perfect present, or pay the most satisfying compliment, and I envy them.

*Good characters, too many puns and obvious jokes, interesting plot ideas, only partly recommended.  I stopped at Book VI, I think there were a dozen.


james said...

WRT "the unforgivable sin": if you're worried about it, the Holy Spirit hasn't given up on you.
I stuck with Xanth a little longer, but it wasn't worth it.

Kevin said...

Humphrey the Magicians comment is true and sad. True and funny is “if you are awake enough to worry about the alarm ( in ICU, ED, etc.), you have no reason to worry”
Related, is a persons response to a song about” the windy man being the man to hire the windy horse will never tire” - laughter means the person OK. No laughter means charcoal tabs.
Laughter better in ev way