Friday, August 23, 2024

Escape Room

We did an escape room tonight as a family, eight of us. We finished well under the time allotted, but at about twice as much time as the record, which shamed us at first.  We learned that the record holders for each room were those who had done "triple digits" of escape rooms before, so we felt less bad after that.

I was perhaps the least helpful there, though I did have my moments of doing puzzles that could have been designed for me, as did a few others who were not as central as we expected but still had moments.  The two strengths were my two oldest sons, who got on the same wavelength somehow and carried us through, and the two granddaughters, 16 and 13, who gradually got on the same wavelength as well and helped us finish strongly. I have only done three of these, but I think that is key.  You need different strengths, but dyadic strength, pairs who suddenly work together at high levels, look like the road home.

There may be something about team building in that. Groups are fine, but pairs in concert, even if temporary, have a magical power.  Though maybe that can move up to triples in a good situation?  Tell me. 

Which reminds me of a post about teams...

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