Monday, August 05, 2024

Accurate Joke

So Jack was called to testify in court in a hearing that involved his friend Frank.  It was an insurance dispute, not a homicide or large civil damages suit, but Jack was distraught.

"So Mr. Sawyer, do you know the gentleman sitting at the table over there?"

"Yes. of course I do.  He's my best friend.  I've known him since he was a boy."

"Then can you tell me his name, Mr. Sawyer?"

"I can't, I'm too nervous.  I'm a nervous wreck, Your Honor, I can barely think."

The lawyer grinned at this surprising gift of a less-than-credible witness. "But surely, Mr. Sawyer, if he's your best friend, you must know his name?"

"Of course I know his name, it's just that I'm too nervous...Frank! For the love of God, tell the man your name!"

Sometimes memory does work that way.

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