Thursday, October 19, 2023


So I asked Alexa (She-who-shall-not-be-named in our house) to play bagpipe music and in the first six offerings were two of  "Amazing Grace," two of "Shipping Up to Boston," and two of "Scotland the Brave."

Alexa? Stop.


Donna B. said...

Years ago, I wanted to buy my grandson a toy chanter and his parents said "NO!" So, I bought him a toy accordion.

Grim said...

Every year, I buy my niece such things. Last year I got her a kazoo; the year before, a karaoke microphone that only knew seven songs. This year I think I'll get her a harmonica and a cap gun.

It's a real problem with these search technologies that they're so heavily weighted towards currently popular preference and not classically vetted results. Often I put in some search and am rewarded not with the useful information I wanted, but with how those terms were used in Marvel comic book movies or the barely-literate children's novels that pass for popular fiction today.

HMS Defiant said...

I remember using the massed pipe bands of the Scottish Regiments playing Scotland the Brave to wake up every sleeping soul on USS Esteem in the Persian Gulf. The skipper asked if he could have the tape and thinking he wanted to listen to the rest I passed it over. He threw it over the side. :)