No, I didn't know what it is either. Flipping the Switch on Far-UVC by Richard Williamson guesting at the Works in Progress Newsletter, which reports on biotech, replicability and fraud, and the intersection of tech and social problems.
Well, that got my attention. Is there another side to this story I don't know about? There was a specific link to research on the air in night clubs, which go out of business quickly under any kind of restriction, and I would think that restaurants and indoor arenas would want to be on this as well. The article, admittedly by someone from a nonprofit that is advocating for this, describes some of the reasons why this can't get off the ground.
Opinions welcome, as always. Informed opinions even more.
You sure don't want UVC in your eyes. Not great for your skin either.
I assume they're circulating the air through some separate system. It'll generate some ozone, which you don't want to breathe, but probably running the air through a catalyst filter would reduce that. If you run an intense enough system you could cycle the room air through it in reasonable time.
I got a small UVC unit in 2020 for fluorescence demonstrations, and tried it out as a disinfectant by just sitting it in the bathroom and running it for 15 minutes. The ozone was a bit harsh. FWIW, you couldn't find those things on Amazon the day after I bought mine; everybody was buying them for room disinfection.
I have had an in-duct UVC system since before the pandemic because I'm one of those stupid people who still smoke. It turns on when the fan is running and it does make a difference. It's not the same as this far-UVC and I don't know that I'd be comfortable in a room with that system without the research this guy is talking about.
I can tell that it makes a difference because of the few months a year that I don't need much AC or heat where I live, mostly that dust becomes noticeable quickly.
I do not attribute my never having contracted Covid to having that installed. Social distancing is quite natural for me except with close family. They were so afraid I'd get it that my granddaughters drew life-size "hugs" for me. I got vaccinated as soon as I could and set up an open air "living room" with widely-spaced seating in my garage.
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