Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Doolin, Ireland

Doolin is where you catch the ferry for both the Aran Islands or the Cliffs of Moher from below.  We are going for the latter, hoping to see puffins.

This trad music has dancing as well.  We attended a wedding where the bride, her sister, and entire female side of the wedding party were competitive Irish step dancers. At a moment I should have seen coming, they slipped out for a moment during the reception, then re-invaded like a force of nature.

For the 2007 archive links, I was still thinking much about parenting, and myths about American culture.

The Skin of Our Teeth.  Son#4 graduates from Goffstown High. Just barely.

Money Grubbing Americans

No More Teenagers.  Hah, we got a 12 year old less than two years later. Only then did it fully dawn on me that maybe being the Dad (now called Pops) was what I was always called to do.  I was 55. 

Pampered.  Not strictly about parenting but definitely in the discussion of bringing your daughters up to have some independence. 

No One Is Smart When They Don't Think - a favorite parenting line of mine, followed by

No One Is Smart When They Don't Think Part II, when it came back to bite me just a few days later.  The passport story.

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