Thursday, May 23, 2024

Tradtional Irish

We may get to Dolan's today, but Craggaunowen Folk Park is our main focus. Ireland has many FP's but this one has multiple eras, including prehistory, so we chose it. I recommend you hit that link, BTW

2007 Archive Links:

Gamil Gharbi His previous identity was obscured by the Canadian authorities after his violent attack.

Selling Out  I don't know how much of my Arts & Humanities Tribe discussions I will be bringing out from the archives. It dominated this blog for a few years, and I like to think that I had a little to do with taking the now-accepted view that much of liberalism was tribal, not intellectual, and making it well-known. But there are so many, that it runs the risk of dominating this year of the blog as well, and it is not so current now.

Mike Huckabee Outshone By a 7y/o Girl. Don't be patronising.

Journalists Are Fair

1 comment:

Grim said...

1550 is quite late for building a castle in Ireland, which is why it’s so small; even when it was defensible it was not intended to withstand a military siege. The big ones were built by the Normans, and intended to dominate a conquered countryside rather than to hold off the occasional mob of rioters or rebels.

Pretty, though.