Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Emerging Church

 Remember that?  It was all the rage in 2007 and I wrote about it extensively. It was important to be "missional."  To have a "generous orthodoxy."

Here's the whole collection. 

The Wikipedia article is almost entirely drawn from sources pre-2010.

I wonder where all those folks have ended up?

This song sort of fits for that topic and Ireland both, doesn't it?


1 comment:

james said...

You might want to strike out the Charles River Church link, or replace the link with a link to the post in which you acknowledge removing the original post because the old church was gone and a new one had the name.


I remember wondering if the EC movement's methods for outreach and community were going to box them in to particular demographics and fashions.

You're right, I haven't heard much of them lately. I just did a google search from the past year, and got
https://richardbeck.substack.com/p/why-the-emerging-church-movement-c36 "in retrospect, I would argue that the emerging church movement eventually became a social media phenomenon."


And there's a bunch of podcasts on its history. Somebody else is welcome to watch them and evaluate.