Tuesday, April 04, 2023

New York Review of Books

It's good to get the clarification from someone who is much more in touch with the terrain, in this case Steven Pinker talking about Paige Harden, a left-hereditarian who has come under great attack. 

It didn't save her from an idiotic attack from the New York Review of Books, which for about 50 years, has had idiotic attacks on - it's been kind of the vanguard are the establishment, the Empire striking back consistently, for any claim that there is any biological, genetic evolutionary basis to anything. They're the enforcer of the blank slate dogma. And it was true when Gould was one of theirs and he and Richard Lewontin were the major repeat contributors. Now it's been picked up by Marcus Feldman, and Paige Harden was the was the victim of that.

 I don't think I had ever located the center that exactly myself.  In fact, I know I didn't.

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