Saturday, February 17, 2024

Language Update: What the French Mean

This one, on the other hand, I am putting in both places because I sense it needs to mostly stay in its original context, but is fun here as well.


Jules Crittenden cleverly deconstructs French promises to the UN, and finds that almost none of the words are true. (HT: Instapundit) must understand that when France suggested it wanted to broker peace in Lebanon, it did not necessarily mean “broker” or “peace” or “Lebanon” in the way we might understand those words. The same is true when France further suggested it wanted to “lead” a “strong” “multinational” “force” there.


Korora said...
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Korora said...

Link is broken. I guess this was talking about Blacque Jacque Chiracque?

Douglas2 said...

The Boston Herald link seems to have been nearly effectively disappeared. Someone back then had the courtesy to copy/paste it in a webforum post:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Thank you.