Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day

While Tracy was at her prayer time, I came out to tell her that the mouse trap had disappeared from where I had set it, suggesting that the mouse had not been killed and had run off with it in tow.  She shuddered a bit.  I grabbed a flashlight and found it immediately, dragged it forward, and confirmed that there was indeed a dead mouse trapped, killed at the neck.  I told her I would bring it outside and throw it in the yard for whatever local creatures might enjoy it. At 6 above zero, she suggested I get more dressed first, and I agreed. I took the mouse out and threw it out at the edge of the property. When I came back in, she said with clear sincerity "I am so grateful that you handle this sort of thing for me."

Well, yes. Happy Valentines Day, darling.

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