Saturday, January 06, 2024


One of my informal but remarkably accurate rules of them is that we should no less attention to the actual weather report than to the trend. If the numbers are going up, be nervous.  If the numbers are going down, be not afraid.

The weeks started with a prediction 1-3". That went very briefly to 2-4", then 3-6", which held for another day. Then it went to 4-8", and 6-12".  It is scheduled to begin in about 4-5 hours, so I just checked in and it is 10-15". I am afraid to look at the fluffy vs heavy line through southern NH that was there last night.  We were on the margin. That matters more.

I feel vindicated, of course, but that is small comfort.

1 comment:

Tom Bridgeland said...

In the same boat here in Illinois. One report says >20" total over 3 days, another says 6-15", a pretty wide range. I'll either be getting to work, or not.