Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mate Preferences - II

A followup to yesterday's post about mate selection

A lot of guys seemed to be worried about finding sexual partners. There is a foolproof strategy.
1. Do something violent. Hitting a wall is good.
2. Faced with the consequences of this, cop a threatening attitude.
3. If someone shows the least sympathy, call yourself a loser and starting crying.
4. Repeat as needed.

I admit I don't understand the theoretical underpinnings of this strategy. On paper, it would seem to be a low-payoff method. But empirically, I find that it works often.


Anonymous said...

How interesting that I came upon this article at lunch today:

and sent it straight-away to my brother, since at least three of five of us siblings married exactly this kind of spouse/parent - and paid for it or are still paying for it ever since.

Cheers, Tom

Anonymous said...





(I just separated the site address, since it looks like it truncated before)

Anonymous said...





(I just separated the site address, since it looks like it truncated before)