Thursday, December 07, 2023

Faux Logic

I did a series on what I called Faux Logic in April 2006

I feared I was going to disagree with at least a couple of these by now, or would at minimum write them better. The opposite may be true.  I find the writing more lively here, though perhaps also more impulsive. I may be editing the juice out of my persuasion

Teenager Logic

We Were Here First (slightly edited)

False Dichotomy

Stop Me If You've Heard This One (Update:  I should have cut more slack to the "moral person" one, because the opposite erroneous argument is also common)

Evidence Is Seldom Unambiguous I still like this, but I come up against the blogger's problem that making one's examples current makes them sound out-of-date and strained later. I reflect that the really good essayists like Orwell or Lewis thread this needle far better than I, and Lewis even talks about it with regard to Plato and his homely but durable examples.

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