Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Moral Inversions

Kevin in the comments pointed me to and article in Commentary, which I read and thought worth passing along. Tucker Screwtape.

Winston Churchill was cast as the “chief villain” of the episode and a “psychopath,” while Hitler was portrayed as a reasonable statesman who sought peace and understanding with England. Carlson’s interlocutor attributed the death of countless multitudes in German camps to an unfortunate lack of preparation on the part of Germany, and an overpopulation of POWs. Carlson, in turn, enthusiastically agreed with his guest’s characterization of Churchill and said his intention was to ensure that the guest would come to be seen as “the most important historian in the United States.”

At book club we are discussing Freedom at Midnight and and disassembled Gandhi's reputation, which persists against all reason. We made an effort to find some good things to say about him and did find a few, but we were hard pressed.


james said...

I haven't watched his shows before or now. Is this sort of enthusiastic talk his usual boiler-plate chatter? (That's not an excuse, of course--you're supposed to pay attention to what your guest is saying.)

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I don't know. I know that Glenn Loury was afraid he was not going to get a fair hearing but in fact did get an honorable chance - but that was three years ago.

james said...

Isaiah nailed it long ago...