Monday, September 09, 2024

Factoring In Pleasure

 There is no safe amount of alcohol. BBC News.

They found that out of 100,000 non-drinkers, 914 would develop an alcohol-related health problem such as cancer* or suffer an injury.

But an extra four people would be affected if they drank one alcoholic drink a day.

AFFECTED! Quelle Horreur! Four of 'em.

It gets worse.  There is no safe level of skiing, not even at Aspen or Davos Klosters. No safe level of lacrosse or sailing. No safe level of biking, even on a rail trail. No safe level of driving, not even a Prius.

People have cooking accidents, gardening accidents, sewing accidents, going to church or even staying home from church accidents. Aquariums. Growing a beard. Smothered in hats and cloaks. Will the madness never end?  No, it won't. From "The Studies Show" (transcript),** about factoring in pleasure:

When I said a term in your equation, I'm completely serious. If you don't have a term in your equation for this is has value of some kind then even the tiniest little negligible risk outweighs all the benefits because you haven't put a term in for the benefits right,  benefits are zero so even a risk of minus zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one or something outweighs them so therefore there is no safe level of drinking and we should not do it.


 Saying we should reduce the (alcohol) guidelines is complete and utter bollocks.

See also, guns.  Guns for hunting, self-defense, targets, collecting.  I am something of an extremist in this case, because I think you should be able to have them even if you just like things that go boom, or look nice on the wall. I suppose it's a bit of a stretch to call self-defense a pleasure, exactly, but not being able to defend yourself would certainly qualify as un-pleasant, one would think. I'm one who doesn't think you need a big reason to do something you like. A small reason will do. 

In legal wrangles, it is often important to note right at the outset which side the burden of proof is on.  The burden of proof should be on those who want to limit a right, not those who want to exercise it.

* ? That seems a bit of stretch itself, even if there is something to it. Stick with livers, car accidents, fights, and falling over, I think.

**Also, they mentioned me this week just before the 24-minute mark. Thanks, guys.


james said...

You have a life. You don't get to keep it. What do you spend it on?

Grim said...

I keep seeing a Facebook meme that says, "Everything will kill you, so pick something fun."