Sunday, July 14, 2024

Facebook and Other Comments

It is getting fevered out there, and people seem to want to get their licks in early. 

I don't see the hurry, myself. 

I suspect it is not necessarily the desire to manipulate others - though I am sure that is a partial motive for many - but the drive for narrative.  We don't like to have unexplained things out there, so we start floating what looks like the most probable explanation.  If you think of us as a tribe sitting around a fire in the evening trying to understand how some of our cattle were taken from us by surprise, you can see that the free-for-all of "I think..." and "Maybe we..." might be a beneficial automatic strategy and be perpetuated in the genes.  It has its downsides, but perhaps is better than everyone saying "I dunno. Let's talk about it in a coupla days."


james said...

We all like solving puzzles. Sometimes there's more than one possible solution, but we have favorite approaches.
I should probably try to list as many explanations of the event as I can, along with my estimates of the probability of their being true (WAG probabilities will not add up to 1).

Grim said...

Technically, it will have been a couple of days shortly now. I spent the time riding motorcycles and not thinking much about it. One of the nice things about motorcycle riding is that it focuses attention on the here and now. Somewhat, anyway; but if my mind wandered in the saddle, it wasn’t towards politics.