Monday, July 24, 2023

Quiet Collapse of Republican State Parties

Jim Geraghty at National Review describes the Quiet Collapse of Four Key State Republican Parties: Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, and Michigan.

I do not see Trump as a cause, but a symptom of deterioration, as I think this has been happening since 2008, if not 2000. But Donald has emphatically not been a solution, whatever his supporters insist must be true simply because they want it to be.

Please don't tell me that the Democrats are even crazier and more extremist. For these purposes that is absolutely irrelevant. It used to be that whatever else the Republicans had, they had people who would man the phones, lick the envelopes, and get at least some people out for even the small rallies. They would elect people who promised to work for you instead of fight for you, and some would even do it. They would find competent people to run for the nonglamorous offices.Now we are overrun with people who want to be in front of a camera.

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