Friday, February 23, 2024

Mr. Sandman

That's 17-year-old me in the front row wondering which one to fall in love with. Any. All. Please, glance my way. And they are even French. I have made fun of American girls for years with this 25-year-old article from the Onion, but I would have been so much worse.


Douglas2 said...

I have sad news:
My brain is telling me that those are all Canadians who grew up in homes where English was the predominant spoken language. Their faces don't look like ethnic Québécoise faces, and their pronunciations have no hint of the markers of French being their mother tongue.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I'll bet you are right. Less exciting French, that, if there is any there. Though I am from Manchester, NH and am not opposed to Quebecoise', having dated several down here.