Friday, February 02, 2024

Lew McGeehee

I first met him in Dupont lobby at William and Mary in 1971 and was blown away. I always knew that lots of other guitarists were always going to be better than me, but I simply couldn't imagine anyone only a year older than me could do things like this. To this day, his version of "Here Comes the Sun" is the best I ever heard - though you know about me 'n nostalgia.

In the late 80s I ran into a kid working at Camp Calumet up here in NH who turned out to be one of Lew's students.  Coincidences happen more when you look for them.

We were playing the same Uncle Morris coffee house in 1973, but I don't recall this song at all. 

 Greg Greenway, now in Acton, MA was there. Bill Whitman was in my band, he's still making his living at music also. Paul Van Hook, Hugh Hegyi, Paul Wehrgli, Steve Nobles...none of us making a living at it. Cabot Wade, Glenn Close's first husband, played all over Wmbg.

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