Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bank Robber

 Well, y'know, Lynnfield.  It's not Lynn, but...

The Coastal New England accents, which people think are an exclusively Boston accent but run from Portland to Providence, are pretty good in this one.


Anne said...

Really interesting. How do you find items like this?! (It took 20+ minutes of tapping buttons to be able to make this comment from my phone. Don’t know if I’ll be able to repeat…🤔

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I work from a regular keyboard on my desktop. Like a surprising percentage of people who are Asperger-y I have poor fine motor coordination and have a good deal of trouble working from my phone.

The general answer to finding odd things is that I have "satiable curiosity" like the Elephant's Child in Kipling. But in this case I was looking through track results for 2024 on YouTube and this popped up in the sidebar. i don't know why, other than that it is somewhat local.