Friday, November 24, 2023

More Links to AVI February 2006

These are the ones that didn't quite make the cut to come forward. They might hold some interest still, depending on how much time you have.

What Should Happen To Dick Cheney? The topic was in reference to the hunting accident in which the Vice President shot an attorney who was a Republican supporter. I was surprised how many of the references I had to stop and think about for a second. I always thought George W Bush's writers missed a trick when Sarah Palin was nominated for VP and he was trying to be both supportive but distance himself.  Humor can be good for that. "If Governor Palin shoots a lawyer on a hunting trip, I'll bet that one is staying down."

I wrote about a Jesuit theologian who is often credited with influencing Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence. I no longer like what I wrote that much, but  Robert Bellarmine, patron saint of catechists, is still interesting, and of the many articles on that topic, Bradley Birzer of Hillsdale College's "Just How Catholic is the Declaration of Independence?" is a pretty good brief one. Listeners to The Great Books podcast at National Review may recognise Birzer's name as an occasional co-host.

Magick Is Expensive

The Early Days of the Blogosphere. I think people just wanted to be able to tell something to the WHOLE WORLD.

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