Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Missed Covid Lifesaver

 Via Insty.

Plasma Therapy Could Have Saved Thousands. from Johns Hopkins. At the highest level, admittedly something that could have happened only in hindsight, over a million could have been saved.

Convalescent plasma is a therapy derived from the blood of individuals who have recovered from an infectious disease, rich in antibodies against the pathogen responsible for their illness. This plasma is transfused into patients still fighting the infection, with the goal of leveraging the immune response of the recovered person to help accelerate their recovery.

Well, now we know.  If you get a serious virus, they may be after you to donate. I hope mine would be acceptable after the babesiosis I had in 2023.


Christopher B said...

I've been donating (whole blood), and they are already after me quite frequently.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

They would call as soon as I was eligible when I still was eligible.

HMS Defiant said...

Me too.

Texan99 said...

I remember a great deal of talk about plasma early on. It's been used against some nasty viruses, such as Ebola.

Texan99 said...

Convalescent plasma, like monoclonal antibody therapy, needs to be administered rather early. Once inflammation sets in, which is when symptoms get really bad, it's too late for antibodies to be very effective; they won't reverse inflammation. I'm reading now that studies a few years back were bungled, in that they failed to distinguish between early and late treatment. When monoclonal antibodies became available, however, I recall that there was a strong emphasis on treating early. Monoclonal antibodies work the same way as convalescent plasma antibodies.