In the episode on seed oils, The Studies Show claims that while ultra-processed foods are left-coded - because industrial foods are advertised and dangerous slop fed to us to make evil industries rich, the seed oils are right-coded - because this feminised society, including the government, want to steer young men away from manly foods when they should be out hunting and sunning their testicles or whatever. Both sides believe the naturalistic fallacy that foods were better 100 or 1000 or 10,000 years ago. Both groups want you to move back to the land and grind your own wheat.
Or as Melissa Chen says, Beef tallow is just right-wing coconut oil.
If RFK had run on the platform of making McDonald's fries taste as good as the used to, he might have done better.
The summary of their examination of the claims is about the same as it was about ultra-processed foods. There are definitional problems and little evidence. Of the few studies that point against seed oils, most are poorly designed, and the remaining one or two are drowned out by the many good studies showing the opposite. The old conventional wisdom turns out to be true. Saturated fats such as meats are slightly worse for you than polyunsaturated fats which are seed oils. And for you carnivores, relax in knowing that the saturated versions are only a little worse.
1 comment:
If RFK had run on the platform of making McDonald's fries taste as good as the used to, he might have done better.
In practice I think this is largely how his position was interpreted, i.e. the ultimate benefits of switching to vegetable oils are so minimal as to not justify specifically government interventions to get MikeyD's to switch wholesale. It also ties into a broader critique of the push for a low-(animal)fat carb-heavy diet, and the various ways that conforming to that ideal has changed the way various processed food products are formulated, not always for the better.
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