Saturday, June 15, 2024




Every time I have heard his extreme claim that he has heard only Christians admit to pride I think this must not be so. (Notice he does not come anywhere near claiming that all or even most Christians admit to pride.) I set myself the task of thinking through those I know, yet never come up with one.  WRT most other sins, I know non-Christians who are as aware and even penitent as any Christian, but Lewis may be correct.  I never seem to come up with examples of those who perceive that pride is their downfall. I have heard some men cop to the extreme of it, such as admitting they can be cocky at times.  I have heard that the concept was common in the Hasidic communities.

His words here are to me like a searchlight after one's eyes have adjusted to the dark: not merely embarrassing, but painful. As often happens with Lewis, there are sentences I could swear were not there the last time I read the book that God has sneakily inserted this very week in response to my failings.

I am in discussion with engineerlite whether I will be teaching this in the fall. I originally declined, but now wonder whether the Hound of Heaven is pursuing me. Nice doggie.


Korora said...

Often have I been reading Lewis, and realized of some passage that jumped out at me either I hadn't thought of it that way but it makes sense or Finally, a way to put that into words.

Grim said...

But this is Pride month, AVI. Surely there are lots of people admitting to pride right now; celebrating it, even, as hard as they can.

james said...

Funny that the marches are about "Pride" and not gratitude.