Saturday, March 23, 2024

Links From Late 2006

A remarkable new treatment for depression - from Russia.

Christopher Hitchens explains Why Women Aren't Funny. Terri had a funny response.

Using Geography To Kill Time at Boring Meetings.

I look prescient, suggesting it might be good if Donald Trump were president for one year in wartime, as the Romans used to do. 

I speculate on the neurology of Insight and Misattribution.  I was doing this stuff for a living then.  I only partly understand what I said now.

Wyman Family Christmas Letter 2006.  We really are fascinating people.

1 comment:

Dr. Red Guy said...

The beatings will continue until morale improves?

There is another described means of inflicting pain to elevate endorphins, common in multiple cultures - eating (painfully) spicy food