Well I didn't even need to click on the link, except to pick up the url. It was right there on the sidebar, from Althouse. "Ambitious Democrats Have a New Game Plan: Yak It Up About Sports/Prominent leaders are flocking to sports radio shows and podcasts, an early sign of how the party is trying to reach apolitical young men...."
It's news, and I shouldn't even be taking a chef's taste of it, but I had two thoughts: Second, how are the female candidates going to take this? The female voters will be okay with the guys-being-guys approach - unless they deeply support a disadvantaged female candidate - but how are the female governors and women of the Senate going to feel?
And my first thought was unfair.
I won't accuse you of having an alter ego but the first comment out of the gate was
Steve Buscemi's T-shirt now reads "Sports Team" instead of "Music Band"
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