Sunday, March 02, 2025

5 More Short Links from 2010

 She Ain't Heavy, She's My Dachshund

 As The Backs Go Tearing By. My mother sang this at Central in the 40s, I sang it in the 60s & 70s. 

Bureaucratese of the Day

Tourist Site - Budapest.  click to enlarge

Tourist Site - Zurich   click

Remember to comment here and not at the 2010 link.


james said...


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Yes, there was a period after the html. Thanks.

Ron said...

Heh, the "Bureaucratese" post fits well with what was posted today on Coyote Blog ( " is not fungible but is divided up into scores of buckets and has to be spent within both the dollar limit of its bucket and the narrow expense categories the bucket is assigned for."