Tuesday, December 03, 2024


My desktop has had some sort of stroke and is only gradually learning to talk again. Of course we let the Dell support lapse about three months ago...


  1. I'm sorry... but I'm laughing. Perhaps Dell support means something these days, but... well... it didn't used to. My daughter had a Dell computer because Dell had a deal with the University of Texas when she was there getting her MBA and *required* to buy one. During the same time, I was working for a non-profit that had purchased Dell computers. My consolation during that time was that if the University of Texas couldn't get support from Dell....

  2. And now I'm sorry for laughing. I'm just superstitious enough to think that laughter might make my desktop fail... considering its age.

  3. It's comforting, though. I don't feel as stupid as I did a few minutes ago.

  4. We weren't having too much trouble with Dell when I worked for the UW. Of course most of our calls were about disk failures, and it depended on who you got at the other end. Some would take our word for it that the disk was an ex-disk, and some wanted us to jump through some diagnostic hoops, but we generally got a replacement in a day or so. I think the redundant power supplies were treated the same way--not sure about memory.

  5. That's an interesting way to put it.
