Monday, December 02, 2024

2009 - Lighter Fare

Selfish and Profligate. The US uses an embarrassingly large percentage of American flags, and Europeans similarly cut other countries out of the market on European flags. And that's not all.  There is an embarrassingly long list of things that developed nations use more of.  Learn what you can do about it.


Worcester Lunch Car Diners.  And we learn that there is still one in Worcester.

Terry at Wheat Among Tares discovers something worrisome about her Post 666


  1. I remember flannelgraphs. I didn't see them often, but I remember a flannelgraph Jesus being made to bunny-hop up a flannelgraph road, and an adult image being swapped in for a youth, and a standard crowd image, but not much else. IIRC the Jesus image was worn enough that it didn't stick well anymore.
    I felt vaguely insulted by them: Do you really think I can't follow your story without these things? But looking back, and after having raised a few kids, I understand why they'd help to keep the younglings focused.

  2. It's hard to get good data on the number of American flags sold globally, as the descriptors in the tables are ambiguous about whether "US flags" refer to flags of any sort manufactured in the USA, or to the "Stars and Stripes" specifically.
