Thursday, April 23, 2020

Overheard On My Walk

A mother asked her daughter, who looked about fifth grade "So which is the worst?" 

"The executioner wasp," the girl answered confidently.  They were going the other way and I heard no more.  I had never heard of an executioner wasp.  It does sound like the worst.


  1. “My arm was swollen for days, and eventually a small hole rotted in my arm from the venom at the sting site," said Cayotte Peterson, who should know.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Built my first Executioner in EVE. Mined all the minerals, processed them in a Station with factory facilities and now fly it. I will probably sell it soon.

    Video games are endless fun for some of us. ;)

  3. We have them in South Texas. Never been stung by one though.
