Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Emotional Support Llamas

My weather channel tells me that Portland Airport brings in emotional support llamas for anxious travelers. I think I would find that llamas in the airport increased my anxieties myself. I'm betting there are plenty of children who would rather not share their space with llamas as well.


The Mad Soprano said...

Cue "The Llama Song".

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Lovely to hear from you again.

james said...

Do the llamas spit?

Sponge-headed ScienceMan said...

Well, this is Portland, OR - what did you expect? If this was Portland, ME it would be comfort lobsters!

Donna B. said...

They are sort of cute, but where do they poop?

lelia said...

Ahhh, you. Who doesn't love a llama? We loved walking by the "farm" with llamas and miniature cows as well as feeding them grass we pulled from the verge. They like it when you blow gently on their noses.

As for pooping, the Portland airport has a number of pet relief areas.

I've never seen a llama in the Portland Airport, just a lot of dogs.