Monday, May 15, 2023

Cape Cod

We will be going to Cape Cod and the Islands this week.  I have barely ever been, despite living only a few hours away, nor have I been to Plimoth Plantation* despite having ancestors from there and parts around it. (I am bringing my Mayflower list in hopes of finding an interpreter who can tell me something new.) Tracy went a few times in childhood, being from Scituate. We still have a niece in the area, who we will drop in on.

So, migrating birds - I bookmarked some pages and left that to the birdwatcher; many small museums**, which describes everywhere in New England anyway; ferries - I like ferries; beaches and lighthouses - meh, but it's nice to see a few once in a while; odd historical sites - now you're talking.  Martha's Vineyard has the Camp Meeting Association and the Carousel, Sandwich has old Quaker buildings. We'll be fine.

I probably should have read The Dozen on Nantucket in preparation. I can look up the linguistics quickly, though.

*Now Plimoth Plantation and Patuxent, one of those Native American reminders that is more than legitimate, not just inserted for virtue signalling.

**Hyannis has the pirate museum and the Kennedy museum - and they're separate!


  1. A pirate museum sounds fun.

  2. 8th Grade Me was the only person in my class who enjoyed the Whaling Museum on Nantucket. I thought it was quite good.

  3. I just randomly clicked on your blog from Chicago Boyz, finding it really interesting and reading through it. It's off-topic for this post, but your tale of DNA testing and finding relatives made me think of a local family that did DNA testing to 'find their heritage', and discovered that while they knew their grandparents had arrived in (Midwest State) separately on 'orphan trains', had met later in life and in fact bonded because of that shared experience, uhhh...
    Turned out their grandparents were biological brother and sister, who had been separated into different orphanages and met by accident many years later.

  4. I got excited thing you were going to say you were bringing your Pilgrim cosplay outfit. That would be a sight to see. Hope you have a great trip.
