Saturday, May 13, 2023

Accordion From Multiple Angles

How in the world did accordion players - lots of them - suddenly show up in my YouTube feed? The danger of algorithms may turn out to be inexplicable randomness that we all mindlessly follow, reasoning that it must mean something eventually. 

If you follow the various artistic angles that the cameraman uses, in imitation of MTV acoustic or something, you will see a lot of expressionless men looking somewhat intently at this girl. It would be an excellent creepy opening for a horror film, actually. Maybe it's different in Germany, but in America you could not get middle-aged men to be videotaped staring at a young woman for any reason. We are taking a walk, having a smoke, checking our text messages, thanks.


  1. It could be a bad sign, depending on just how cued-in the algorithm is…

  2. One of this week's New Yorker Cartoon seems related:

    Adult audiences nearly always look like that, but on video and in photographs we more often see an undistinguishable mass of people, or else the camerawork uses shallow depth of field to blur them and keep our attention on the subject of the shot.

    I find it slightly interesting how when German TV programs are brought to my attention, I usually find several great examples of what-not-to-do when filming.
