Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Democrats In Chaos...

After Being Forced To Do Math for the First Time

I have said this before, actually, from my experience with a particular sector of liberals: social workers, psychologists, rehab specialists, and even mental health attorneys. Psychiatrists are more mixed - they had to survive statistics at a higher level than most, even if they don't end up being particularly good at the numbers.

"I was my understanding there would be no math," was the joke that Saturday Night Live kept putting in Gerald Ford's mouth. Hmm. He had an economics degree from Michigan, then went to Yale Law School. I'll bet he could do his sums fairly well. Likely a good deal better than the comedy writers making fun of him.  They also characterised Ford, a varsity athlete, as clumsy. But he bore it with good grace, a decent man able to laugh at himself.

I acknowledge that a lot of our current tech wizards are liberals, and they can certainly do math, sometimes very complicated math. Nor do I claim that ability to do math is a necessary indicator of wisdom. Yet I do believe that a general measurement of mathematical ability would favor Republicans.  They already have a slight advantage in years of education, and their major area of being outshone by Democrats is in graduate degrees, which are dominated by education and social science. (There are also a lot of MBA's, who can presumably can do some math, and I suspect trend Republican.)

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