Sunday, July 07, 2019

Equal Pay

I think US Women's Lacrosse should be put on a par with soccer. Those women work just as hard, the sport is just as difficult, and they should be paid just as much.  It's merely prejudice that people don't like the sport as much.  There needs to be the same number of fans at their matches, too.  If there aren't enough that come voluntarily, people should be made to go into the stadium and cheer.


  1. If they want equal pay , the women's soccer team should simply compete in the REAL World Cup competition , against the same opponents the men's team does .

    Something tells me that if they played Brazil , they would learn very quickly what the Thai women had to endure from this band of "woke" liberal whiners .

  2. I generally like them. They do work hard, their brand of soccer is good from the little I have seen, though they aren't at the competitive level of teenage boys. I generally like them. But sports is ultimately just entertainment, and you can't insist that jug band musicians be paid the same as hip-hop artists just because they try just as hard.

    The strongest part of the argument is that the government funding for men and women should be equal. That sounds right, but when you break it down, you see that it immediately implies that other teams and activities should all be funded equally. That's not sustainable. We pay for what we care about as a group, not what someone thinks is fair inb the abstract.

  3. The women are overpaid.

    Well, there is a sizable difference in the revenue available to pay the male and female teams. According to Mike Oznian, a writer for Forbes, the 2015 Women’s World Cup “brought in almost $73 million, of which the players got 13%. The 2010 men’s World Cup in South Africa made almost $4 billion, of which 9% went to the players.”

    Last year, the men’s World Cup in Russia generated more than $6 billion in revenue; the participating teams shared about $400 million. That is less than 7 percent of overall revenue. Meanwhile, the 2019 Women’s World Cup made somewhere in the region of $131 million, doling out $30 million, well more than 20 percent of collected revenue, to the participating teams. It seems a pay gap does exist, after all.
