Friday, June 14, 2019

Having More Children

The trend is modest, but there.  Women are still having children later, but there has been an uptick in the last decade in how many they have. It does slant our understanding of how we understand these changes, always focusing on the behavior of women rather than men, but it is because of it being being easier to measure.  When my wife took biology and they had to rope off a section of forest and identify every type of plant in it and track what happened, the professor asked "Why do we study plants instead of animals for this section?"  Hearing no response he answered "Because plants stay still."

1 comment:

  1. "Education" is slow, isn't it? A BA warrants a minimum IQ and persistence. If we went back to using IQ tests, so that people who are not academically inclined could be employed without wasting 4 years and umpteen thousand dollars, would those birth curves look different?
