Friday, June 14, 2019


"One way to identify a brilliant person is that, while ordinary people are afraid you’ll steal their ideas, brilliant people have so many ideas that they know they will never be able to do all of them, and practically beg you to steal them so that they get done"  Dr. Scott Alexander, Slate Star Codex

Huh. So maybe that's evidence of brilliance for me after all.  I've always had the attitude that people can just have my ideas because I could always find more.  I never copyrighted a song, for example, even though I wrote hundreds.  Some were actually not too bad.  I've certainly had that attitude here - though I think that is common to many bloggers as a class. It may be why I gravitate to certain types of blogs and not others.

1 comment:

  1. I remember sitting one table over from David Cline and Carlo Rubbia and listening to them brainstorm. 90% of the ideas wouldn't work, but there were so many thrown out that there was plenty of gold there.
