Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Sports Podcasts

Well, they're better than sports radio guys.  But today, yet another one complains about listeners who tell them to stick to sports, and not mention politics or the cultural issues of the day.  These things are important and deserve to be talked about. 

Yes, they are important.  Important enough that I don't go to sportswriters to become informed about them. Besides, we already know what their opinion is on anything: they are very good at picking up what is coolest in the culture of those who make their living in sports and media. It is automatic, reflexive, and unthinking. They are masters of the "Well, all the intelligent people believe this, and that of course includes you and me, Jocko. No need to actually give a reason."

No, it's not just ESPN.


Sam L. said...

The only ESPN shows that I watch are the Formula One races, and those are done by SKY News TV. Brits. ESPN ONLY carries the broadcast.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

It's hard to escape these days.

RichardJohnson said...

Babylon Bee Dems: We Have To Enact Socialism So We Can Find Out What It Is

Once more parody intersects with reality, as Nancy Pelosi once told us we have to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it.