There is a satirical website from Venezuela called El Chigüire Bipolar, which translates as "The Bipolar Capybara." (Chigüire pronounced "cheegweeree." As an example of its articles, consider "Corpoelec lanza tutorial para que hagas electricidad tú mismo.' Corpolec is the government owned electricity-generating company. Blackouts are a way of life in Venezuela. Translation: "Corpolec launches tutorial so you can make your own electricity."
There is a satirical website from Venezuela called El Chigüire Bipolar, which translates as "The Bipolar Capybara." (Chigüire pronounced "cheegweeree."
As an example of its articles, consider "Corpoelec lanza tutorial para que hagas electricidad tú mismo.' Corpolec is the government owned electricity-generating company. Blackouts are a way of life in Venezuela. Translation: "Corpolec launches tutorial so you can make your own electricity."
My favorite Capybara photo.Lion with the Lamb, Western Hemisphere version.
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