Tuesday, February 18, 2025


I scrolled randomly through TikTok today, after taking the bait and clicking on granddaughter #3's (13y/o) 8,902nd entry, which was again a still picture of her with music I don't recognise playing.

There are a lot of paranoid people out there, with evidence for the amazing conspiracies they have discovered that is unbelievably bad. I worked with paranoids all my life and thought I had heard it all, but oh man, finding hidden meanings in Simpsons or Family Guy episodes was new to me.* There are also lots of people who want to talk about how terrible their relationships are/were, how completely unreasonable men/women are, warning other women/men not to do this/fall for that. Mostly women talking specifically to men or to other women, but some are just telling off the whole world. There are also testimonials to apple cider vinegar helping you develop your Third Eye if you take it just so, and descriptions of how doctors are lying to you for money, but their expensive product shows how you are among those who are Not Fooled.


*I advanced my theory years ago that paranoids pick up whatever is in the air at the time they believe that Something Is Fishy and take that as their explanation.  When I started in the 70s, the new paranoids thought it was the CIA after them - okayt, it's probably not accidental that that one keeps coming back, but work with me here. When the Godfather movies came out it was the Mafia. Satellites, chips in the brain, a restricted group of countries (no one thinks that French Guiana is after them. It's not in the air of discussion), and every president.  I was going to say that no one was paranoid about Gerald Ford, but Squeaky Fromme did shoot him, so you never know.  Religious people develop religious delusions.  If they were vegans they would find food things, druggies think they are in danger because of how much they know about other druggies.

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