Sunday, February 23, 2025

There Are People In The Bible

My wife did Sunday School for the little ones this morning, her cherubs, as she calls them 3/4 year-olds. There was a skit with quick costumes. She was unsure how much of the lesson they got, but one got to be Jesus and another Matthew. Skits are sometimes repeated with others taking the roles, because many want a turn or three, and it does reinforce the lesson. I thought a moment and then reassured "Well, even if all they learned is that there are people in the Bible, that's a good thing." Adults develop the idea that the Bible is mostly about rules and miracles. Maybe they know some parables or Genesis stories, which is great. It strikes me as important though that the first thing that clicks for children is that there are people, and they do things, and one can identify with them in some fashion.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, cherubs. Bizarre, unearthly creatures reminiscent of griffins and sphinxes and the Babylonian sheddu, full of eyes and wings and fire, as if God had animated thunderstorms on His payroll. She's clearly worked with small children before.
