Monday, February 10, 2025

Romanian Jokes

I struggled to convert this joke to Romanian and to learn to inflect it properly to tell it in 2000. A copy resurfaced and I print it here.  The translation hints: "Is your mother at home, Yes; can I speak to her? No, she's busy.  To get the full import, this was before cell phones, the little boy (baie mic) is speaking softly, and the last syllables of occupata are emphasised crisply.

(Pe telefon)

Mama ta e acasa?

(Baie mic, sopteste) Da

Pot sa ei vorbesc?

Nu.  Ea este occupata

Tata ta e acasa?


Pot sa lui vorbesc?

Nu. El este occupata.

Frata ta e acasa?


Pot sa lui vorbesc?

Nu. El este occupata.

Sora ta e acasa?


Pot sa ei vorbesc?

Nu. Ea este occupata.

Este oricine e acasa?

Da.  Politsist

Pot sa lui vorbec?

Nu. El este occupata

Este oricine e acasa?

Da.  Pompier.

Pot sa lui vorbesc?

Nu. El este occupata.

De ce sind tot occupata? (Why is everyone)

(Foarta sopteste very softly) Ma caute!     (They are looking for me!)

I found that the dumb and dumber sort of joke translates well into other cultures. Why are you buying some nails but throwing half of them back? The heads are on the wrong ends. You fool, those are for the other side of the house!  Or, Did you mark the spot where we caught all the fish? Ya look, right there in the middle of the boat. You are so stupid.  What if we get a different boat tomorrow? Or We've been lost two whole days.  What should we do?  I don't know.  Fire three more shots in the air? I can't. I am all out of arrows.

1 comment:

  1. Romanian being a Romance language, the outline of the joke is readily understood in the original. I wouldn’t be able to follow the spoken version, but written down it’s clear enough.
