Thursday, February 27, 2025

Planned Parenthood

PJ Media has a response to a NYT article about Planned Parenthood clinics being less able to provide services other than abortion because of tight budgets - but abortion services are thriving. PJM frames this as the NYT inadvertently admitting what pro-lifers have said all along: that PP is primarily about abortions, while the other services are for cover.

I don't go to PJ Media that much.  Not because I find it inaccurate, but because it tends to tell you only one side of the story, and it is unnecessarily inflammatory.  Sometimes it exaggerates and leaves out important details.  But on this one, I think they hit the mark about right. The NYT, in an effort to show how beleaguered Planned Parenthood's other services have become, has let the cat out of the bag that providing abortions is still the main priority.

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