Sunday, January 26, 2025


 My wife went to a Soul Care event for women of the church Saturday afternoon. After she was back I asked her what it was. "Was it like a retreat?  A workshop?"

"It was like a mini-retreat."

"Is that what they call retreats now?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

I looked at the white cardboard poking out of her bag, with pictures and text from magazines pasted to it. "It looks like a collage."

She smirked.  "It's called a Vision Board."

I'm just helping all of you keep up here.

1 comment:

  1. So they have Vision Boards out there too...
    I can sort of see how you could call it "vision": What you glue to the board has to do with what you have handy; with a different pile of stuff around you'd have a different "vision" -- which is more like our real personal vision of things than we'd like to think.
