Saturday, December 14, 2024

RFK Jr, Flouridation, and Dentistry in General

 The Studies Show Episode 56: Water Flouridation and Dentistry

Is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., just a big crank? Well, yes. But is he nevertheless correct in his specific claims about the harms of water fluoridation? It’s long been argued that it’s no longer necessary, and that it might have the scary adverse effect of lowering children’s IQs. In this episode of The Studies Show, Tom and Stuart look at the evidence.

While they’re at it, Tom and Stuart ask whether there’s evidence for several other dentistry-related claims. Regular check-ups; flossing; fillings; fluoride toothpaste—is your dentist just bullshitting you about any or all of these?

[This podcast was recorded just before Donald Trump selected RFK Jr. as his candidate for US Health Secretary, but that makes the episode even more relevant].

Tom and Stuart come down on the side that says the scary claims for flouridation are probably all rubbish, but OTOH it probably doesn't do much good either.  Pre-1975 there were some poorly done studies that showed enough effect that the advantage of flouridation was probably real anyway.  Since then, better and better studies have shown less and less effect.  Now that everyone is using a flouride toothpaste, treating the water no longer matters.

They then spend the second half of the podcast talking about how little evidence there is for common dental practices.  At least some things do just as well if you leave them alone, and others require only minor treatment. Lastly, even those things which do require significant intervention may compromise the teeth so much that in the long run the advantage vanishes, even though the short-term advantage was real.  Like severe toothache, for example. 

For me, it was the realisation that the dentist I liked best in my life, a dear man of the old school, probably damaged my teeth more than all the others together, and maybe even more than my night bruxism, which I have usually pointed to as the main problem.

1 comment:

  1. I am way less concerned with his views on fluoridation than with his views on vaccination:

    But this is consistent with Trump's general strategy of paring down government by destroying agencies by turning them over to people who hate them.
