Sunday, July 07, 2024

SCUBA 2024

I have not kept all of you apprised of Vacation Bible School every summer, even though it takes over our house and my wife's attention each year, not to mention my daughter-in-law, who runs the thing for about 150 kids, and my two granddaughters, now 16 and 13. They are quite capable at this point, able to run a small country if called upon. This year it is SCUBA.

All the crafty people come out with over-ambitious projects, which the semi-crafty dutifully try and effect as well as possible. Tracy is irritated that she can't get something-or-other to look quite right, but last year Sarah, then twelve, gave the calming line that should be a good influence on all these overwrought women: "Nana, these kids are eight."

Today is the last day of setup, then le deluge.

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