Friday, July 05, 2024


I chatted with the young nun I saw at the grocery story, noting that I had not seen her there for a while.

"The sisters who usually do it are on a pilgrimage.  they are wlking across the country for the next two months."

Well that blows the vague idea of a weeklong pilgrimage hike next year right out of the water, doesn't it?


  1. I don't know. A since-deceased colleague hiked the Appalachian Trail, a bit over a week per year. I suppose that's a kind of secular pilgrimage, but the critical part was the persistence.
    Of course he was much younger then than I am now. I don't know how far a week's worth of walking would take me these days.

  2. And while the whole goal of the Crusades was to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem safer, there were nonetheless perils of the journey that no policy could eliminate.
