Monday, July 22, 2024

Hot Tuna

I admit I had forgotten about them.  I had never bought an album of theirs, only hearing them in the dorm.

They were a Jack Casady and Jorma Kaukonen project that went on for years.(Hey, I see they still tour.) Kaukonen was a part of the debate at the time of who was the greatest lead guitarist, with Hendrix and Clapton and a few others.

The fiddle player is Papa John Creach, who played with, well, everyone cool.


  1. Tuna are old favorites of mine, and I still occasionally listen to their early albums. I saw them in concert about a year before the video above was recorded. I wish I could say they were great, but they were literally too loud to hear. All I could hear was an immense roar, now and then punctuated by a high note on the fiddle.

  2. I saw them at Keene State College in November 1970. They played the middle set between two Jefferson Airplane sets. Papa John Creach was great.
