Monday, July 08, 2024

Good White Men

Freddie deBoer again.  Maybe I should subscribe and put him on my sidebar. The Good White Man Roster. I think I recognised the name of Will Wilkinson from somewhere in the past. I don't know the others, but I am trusting Freddie that they have some prominence.

Including this guy. I genuinely thought this was a parody when I saw it. "White supremacy gaining ground among black-passing individuals within the Mexican and Latino community is particularly troubling."  I'll bet.


  1. Funny how that seems to mirror white saviorism rising in the (or certain) white communities.

  2. I'm surprised that "unity and resilience" haven't been classified as evil characteristics of "whiteness" yet.

  3. "For people like Hobbes, politics is not a thing you do but a thing you are."
